Sadnewscomingfromcomedyactor Film RowanAtkinson.MRBEANstarandthis Johnny English was rushedto hospitalafter acar crash.
The incident occurredon Thursday(4 / 8)lastnight.At that time,Rowancrashedhisluxurycarsworth$ 1millionin the suburbsin the UK.The actorreportedlylost control ofhisMcLarenF1in Cambridgeshire,which makes ithit a treeandalamppost. Shortlyafter thecrash,paramedicsarrived atthe sceneandranto a nearby hospitalAtkinson.Topof thiscollision,the actorwas treated forinjuriesin the shoulder,as reported by TheSun. We were calledtoa singlecarcrashat7.30pm.A manwas taken toPeterboroughGeneral Hospitalfor treatmentdue toa shoulder injury,"said a spokeswoman forthe EastEnglandAmbulance Service. Fortunately,the injurywassevere,as statedby theparamedics."Hesufferedminorinjuriesin theshoulder.When wearrived,she wasalreadyoutside the car," said theparamedic.Getwellsoon,Mr.Bean.
I took this from one of the many DIY spectator platforms at Sebring. Thanks to the guys who let me watch from up there and other platforms throughout the weekend. This is 40 minutes of dusk overlooking turns 11-12 condensed to 4 minutes. The audio was recorded on a separate device with really good stereo so turn up your speakers or headphones for full effect. I have a few hours of audio from the race from different places on the circuit that I am working on uploading to a few different places. This is a sample of the audio quality I have.
Check out this episode of "drive" with Leo Parente to get a look at the first two races of the F1 season. Also watch for an awesome strassenversion shout out and Leo sporting this shirt:
I have been really impressed with what these guys have done with this youtube channel since January. I have watched pretty much all of the original Top Gear going back to seasons with Tiff Needell and Quentin Wilson and love to watch different automobile shows from around the world: Turbo from France, the old Best Motoring from Japan, GRIP from Germany, 5th gear, Top Gear, and I would say that what they are doing with this channel can be compared to the best. Its still very young and they dont have the BBC's budget, but all of the hosts are really hitting their stride and producing some great content.
The 60th edition of the Sebring 12 hours was never going to be the most exciting race with an uncontested P1 category, but the chance to see R18's in competition and the always exciting GT battles were convincing enough to make the trip to the airfield in the orange groves. I brought some new gadgets this year including a Nimslo 3D which I had never used before this weekend. I only bought it a few weeks ago and one test roll I shot at home did not produce any images. The images I shot at Sebring were the first I had ever taken and they are a bit sloppier than I had hoped as a result.
some Porsches in Preen Park
Audi's of the recent past
lady course Marshal
Delta Wing did a few parade laps. Mostly open minded reactions to this car with a general sense of "let's see what this thing can do"
the vantage point
Thursday Night Practice
light painting
is that an extra side mirror?
Nick Heidfeld
last minute fixes on Friday night
Race day. Saw marshals from France, Netherlands, UK.
#2 Audi pulling out an early lead
all three Audis eating T9 to T10. note the heat trails
~$5 worth of beer
shadows getting longer
I took some video and a few hours of high quality audio that I am still editing.
spray paint, stencil, marker, paint pen, graffiti mop on canvas. stencils based on photograph taken by a friend of strassenversion at Rennsport Reunion IV at Laguna Seca in Monterey, California